Singing Guide: Loud Luxury feat. brando

Singing Guide: Loud Luxury feat. brando

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you love the upbeat sound of Loud Luxury featuring brando, then you might want to learn how to sing like them. The Canadian electronic music duo Loud Luxury consists of Andrew Fedyk and Joe Depace. Brando is a Los Angeles-based singer, who wrote and performed the lyrics in the duo’s hit song “Body”.

For starters, you will need to determine your vocal range. Try Singing Carrots’ vocal range test that compares your vocal range with that of famous singers. Once you know your vocal range, you can start analyzing the unique singing technique of Loud Luxury and Brando, and select songs that showcase their style.

Loud Luxury’s famous song “Body” starts off simple, but it builds up into a catchy and memorable chorus. Brando’s soft and breathy vocals are on full display throughout the song. In order to learn how to sing like Brando in “Body,” check out Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test. This test will allow you to assess your pitch accuracy, which is essential for emulating Brando’s technical singing style.

Incorporating the proper breathing technique is essential when it comes to singing with a performance mindset. Make sure to read Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics, active and passive respiration, and breath support. Put Singing Carrots' Farinelli breathing exercise video into practice to improve your inhalation and breath control.

Articulation is another important aspect to consider. Singing Carrots provides an article on articulation that covers topics such as tongue placement, lip positioning, and how to form properly voiced sounds.

Loud Luxury’s overall energetic style can be daunting, but Singing Carrots' voice register and vocal-break articles will guide you through the process of learning how to sing in a fun and energetic tone. Check out Singing Carrots' video on how to twang to gain that perfect “Body” sound. Additionally, Singing Carrots has a variety of educational singing games in their Pitch Training section to help you strengthen your voice registers and pitch accuracy.

Last but not least, Singing Carrots' resources such as Song search, Artist vocal ranges, and Educational singing course can aid you in finding songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

With some hard work and dedication to the various techniques provided by Singing Carrots, you can sing like Loud Luxury featuring Brando in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.